March 26, 2025


What is a Category or TAG marked XYZ ?


X is for eXceptional the highest grade of equities research currently published on 3littlestocks.

Y is for potential high Yield stock (CFA required for verification) Not included in this version.

Z is for CraZy Good, the highest grade of equities research possible, Not included in this version.



Way back in 2019 when I began writing the DB Asia Stock Machine, I was confronted with the dilemma of marking my own work for future management purposes, I needed to give it a grade, a stock research degree of difficulty so to speak. Starting at C, B, A and on to X for very high grade. Y for potential high yield and Z for the absolute highest level of stock research, CraZy Good information.


Yours Sincerely

Andrew Duff

Owner & CTO

3 Little Stocks

ABN 99411826776

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